Sermon: Christ is Risen!
April 17, 2022. St. Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church, Portland, Oregon. Preacher: The Revd Dr Maria McDowell (and St. John Chrysostom)
Easter Vigil: A Reading from Jonah
A reading from Jonah. Lector: Elizabeth Schroeder
Easter Vigil: Ezekiel 37:1-14
An Easter Vigil reading by the Rev’d Alcena Boozer
Prodigal Welcome
Sermon on the 4th Sunday of Lent at St. Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church in Portland, Oregon. The Rev’d Maria Gwyn McDowell, PhD, Preacher. March 27, 2022.
Feed the Fig Tree
Sermon on the 3rd Sunday of Lent at St. Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church in Portland, Oregon. The Rev’d Maria Gwyn McDowell, PhD, Preacher. March 20, 2022
Humbly We Walk Here
Elizabeth Schroeder teaches Humbly We Walk Here, St. Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church, March 6, 2022.
Deep Life
Sermon during the season after Epiphany at St. Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church in Portland, Oregon. The Rev’d Maria Gwyn McDowell, PhD, Preacher. February 6th, 2022.
Make Kindness Resound
Sermon during the season after Epiphany at St. Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church in Portland, Oregon. The Rev’d Maria Gwyn McDowell, PhD, Preacher. January 30th, 2022.
Christmas 1 Duet Service with Trinity Episcopal Stream
This Sunday, due to inclement weather, we combined forces with Trinity Episcopal Cathedral’s Canon for Cathedral Life Shana McCauley for an impromptu Zoom Morning Prayer, which was streamed live to Trinity’s social media. You can view the entire service, including Reverend Maria and Reverend Shana’s duet sermon, here.
Advent 3: Godly Play Sermon
Sermon on the 3rd Sunday of Advent at St. Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church in Portland, Oregon. Janet Dickerson, Teacher. December 12th, 2021