Sermons by The Rev'd Maria McDowell (Page 2)

Sermons by The Rev'd Maria McDowell (Page 2)

Mark 4:35-5:20

A sermon for the Seventh Sunday After Pentecost by The Revd Dr Maria Gwyn McDowell of St. Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church in Portland Oregon. July 12th 2021. Gospel: Mark 4:35-5:20.

Mark 4:1-34

A sermon for the Sixth Sunday After Pentecost by The Revd Dr Maria Gwyn McDowell of St. Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church in Portland Oregon. July 4th 2021. Gospel: Mark 4:1-34.

Mark 3:7-35

A sermon for the Fifth Sunday After Pentecost by The Revd Dr Maria Gwyn McDowell of St. Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church in Portland Oregon. June 27th 2021. Gospel: Mark 3:7-35.

Mark 2:13-3:6

A sermon for the Fourth Sunday After Pentecost by The Revd Dr Maria Gwyn McDowell of St. Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church in Portland Oregon. June 20th 2021. Gospel: Mark 2:13-3:6.

Mark 1:21-2:12

A sermon for the Third Sunday After Pentecost by The Revd Dr Maria Gwyn McDowell of St. Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church in Portland Oregon. June 13th 2021. Gospel: Mark 1:21-2:12.

Mark 1:1-20

A sermon for the Second Sunday After Pentecost by The Revd Dr Maria Gwyn McDowell of St. Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church in Portland Oregon. June 6th 2021. Gospel: Mark 1:1-20.

Sermon for the First Sunday of Lent

Sermon given on February 21st, 2021 at St. Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church, Portland Oregon. The Rev’d Dr. Maria Gwyn McDowell preaching. Transcript The story of Noah, somehow, has become this really cute children’s story, right? Animals go onto this ark, two by two, they travel together, there’s a dove, it goes out, it comes back, it goes out, it comes back, and then there’s a rainbow at the end, right? All the elements of a perfect children’s story. Except…

Taught by a Star

Sermon for the Second Sunday of Christmas, January 02, 2021 at St. Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church, Portland, Oregon; by the Rev’d Dr. Maria McDowell.

Know Justice, Know Peace

We live in a world where saying that black and brown lives matter means that white lives do not matter, because we have created that world. We have created a world infested with the lie that white lives thrive at the expense of black and brown lives. We have created a world where to know justice is to know violence. Yet, the judgement of God is to recognize retribution and injustice for what it is, destructive, and to invite us to live in a world where to know justice is to know peace.