The Gospel, the good news, is challenging. Often times, it generates more questions than answers, and calls us to constantly consider, discern, wrestle, contemplate and ask! Learning never stops. Periodically, we offer forums, classes, and book groups, spaces where questions are welcome, our minds are engaged, and our hearts are transformed.
Spiritual Formation Playlist

The Fixed & the Flexible, St. Philip Catechesis February 5th, 2023

Formation: Why we pray the way we pray, Seasons & Reasons. St. Philip Catechesis Winter 2023

Setting the Space: Welcoming people, welcoming space. St. Philip Catechesis Winter 2023

Music, singing with our bodies. St. Philip Catechesis February 19th, 2023

Reading & Praying and Serving The Meal, St. Philip Catechesis March 5th, 2023

Children & Families
Virtual Children’s Gathering The Children’s Ministry Team is creating virtual opportunities for children and familes to interact with our liturgy and each other. At 11:15 on Sunday, twice a month (check schedule), children and families can gather for a 40 minute session. Activities will include Godly Play, Bible stories, games, and time to just have fun together. on the same zoom link as Morning Prayer. If you have questions, please contact Elizabeth Schroeder and Ashley Rollins Battles via the church office…