Rector’s Notes (Page 2)
Rector’s Note: Worshipping with our Children
We value having our children in church with us. We like seeing them play together, we like hearing them sing, we notice their presence among us, and we appreciate them. We see the way they respect and like one another, and how they respect and like their teachers. Seeing them changes us, it gives us joy. How beautiful is that?!? We appreciate our children!
A Note from the Rector: The Music We Love
On the 1st Sunday of March, we gathered as a community over a pot of soup, salad, and bread for our first Lunch & Chat. It was a wonderful time of listening to one another and delving into how we experience music, our topic of the day, as a part of our life together in God. The goal was, in part, to learn to trust one another in conversation, something we sometimes struggle with as a community. It was also an opportunity for me get a sense of how we feel about music in our community, and where we want to go. In this letter, I want to reflect back to you what I learned, giving you a sense of what we are going to do with this information.
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