Posts from February 2024
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper: Tuesday February 13th 5-6:30pm
Lent is right around the corner, but we still have time for one more party. St. Philip has a long-standing tradition of holding a fun feast the night before Ash Wednesday, and this year we’re returning to pancakes. As always, everyone is invited whether they are parishioners or just friends and neighbors. We’ll be serving from 5-6:30pm If you can help set up or clean up, please reach out to Bernadine.
Annual Meeting This Sunday, February 11
Please plan to join us in person this Sunday, February 11th immediately after the 10am service for the Annual Meeting. We’ll elect new vestry members and Convention delegates, look at the 2024 budget, and hear reports from our ministry teams. We’re even providing Subway sandwiches, so there’s no need to hurry home for lunch!