Rummage Sale for Outreach, Saturday June 8th 10am-3pm

Rummage Sale for Outreach, Saturday June 8th 10am-3pm

Faye Powell has organized a church-wide rummage sale to develop an emergency fund to serve our unhoused neighbors, and she still needs your help.

Please bring your items- clean, in good working order, and fairly priced by you- to the church no earlier than Sunday, June 2nd. Some suggestions are: clothing for kids and adults, toys and games, sports equipment, housewares, home decor, costume jewelry, garden tools, etc.

We still need volunteers to help advertise the event (flyers are available), set up, monitor the sale and take money, clean up, and transport the unsold items to a charity shop. This type of event needs a lot of volunteers to be successful, so please consider donating your time or skills.

If you are willing to help out, please contact Faye at [email protected]