Posts from 2023

Posts from 2023

Why Support St. Philip?

Each year we spend time talking about why we love St. Philip and how we can continue to be a vital presence in the lives of individuals, families, and the community. Last Sunday, Gary Carroll shared invited all of us to come alongside the Vestry as they plan the 2024 budget. Kevin Sampson, a newer member of St. Philip, shared why he is at St. Philip. Here is what they had to say. Budget UpdateGary Carroll The vestry has been…

Farewell Luncheon for Rev’d Maria November 26

Please join us on Sunday, November 26th for Rev’d Maria’s last service at St. Philip. Let’s fill the church to show our love and appreciation for all she has done during her time here. We will share a meal together after the service and have a chance to celebrate Maria’s ministry. This is a good opportunity to say goodbye to both Maria and Elizabeth as they leave to begin their new adventures in Tacoma. Everyone is invited to this joyful…

Affordable Housing Update: October 2023

A housing project update from vestry member Gary Carroll: Dear St. Philip The Deacon Family and Friends, I am writing today to share news about our ongoing affordable housing process.  This is a followup to the news that I shared during services on Sunday.   We received news last week from Bishop Akiyama that the Diocesan Redevelopment Team will not approve our plan to sell a portion of the land that St. Philip occupies to Habitat for Humanity for the development of housing.  The…

Watch the Annual Meeting of the Diocesan Convention, Saturday October 28

The time has come for the 135th Annual Meeting of the Diocesan Convention; they will be meeting this Saturday, October 28, at 9:00 am on Zoom to conduct their annual business. Go to the Annual Meeting Webpage for all business matters, including the 2024 budget, nominations, proposed resolutions, the house rules, agenda, and more. While only clergy and parish delegates can speak and vote at this meeting, everyone is invited to watch. The meeting will be streamed on the Diocese of Oregon’s YouTube channel…

Ignore the Email Spoof!

A smart but nefarious somebody out in the world wild web has decided to “spoof” Rev. Maria’s email. You may have recently received a message like this, but with two significant problems: The First Problem: Not official email If you are reading email on a phone you might have to tap next to the sender’s name: Always check the email address from which the email is sent. Sometimes this means clicking a small arrow to reveal the “headers” of an…

St. Philip Parishioners attend PNW UBE in Olympia

The PNW Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE) invited us to a celebration of St. Philip the Deacon and St. Simon the Ethiopian Eunuch last Saturday, October 14 2023. Six members of St. Philip the Deacon in Portland drove to Olympia for the special day. The chapter regathered and relaunched with a shared Eucharist and potluck afterwards. The PNW Chapter of UBE is comprised of members from the Episcopal Church in Western OR and WA. Learn more at…

Good Grief: Processing Trauma Together

The church is one of the few places in our current world that can hold grief compassionately and gracefully, feeling and grieving with one another just as Jesus did when his friend Lazarus died. Come walk the journey of grief together supported by friends from Episcopal faith-communities across the Portland Metro area, and guided by a professional grief counselor. We will meet twice a month, once in person and once by Zoom, over four months. Each four-month session will begin…

Hymn Sing, Nov 4th 2-4pm

Hymn sing! On Saturday, November 4, 2-4 pm, we’ll gather and sing as many of our favorites as we can fit in! Send your favorites to Elizabeth at [email protected]. We need the hymns by 10/28. Include the page number and which hymnal you got it from. We can include hymns from the 1982 hymnal, Wonder Love and Praise, LEVAS, Voices Heard, and My Heart Sings Out. We will enjoy appetizers and wine; if you would like to bring an appetizer please…