Posts from 2022 (Page 3)

Posts from 2022 (Page 3)

Holy Week Services at St. Philip

While Easter, the resurrection, is celebrated every Sunday, Holy Week is like one great Sunday. It begins with a triumphal (perhaps sarcastically so) entrance into Jerusalem, and continues through the Great Three Days—the Triduum. The week forms one long, ancient, liturgy that begins with celebration, moves into compassion and forgiveness, walks us through our fear-filled and violent rejection of God, and ends in the ultimate grace of God’s persistent love for all creation. COME JOIN US!

Say Their Names

Join the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing in a Prayer and Remembrance Service for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and all martyrs for civil and human rights. April 4th, 4pm (PDT)/7pm (EDT). You may register to participate online.

Community Safety Listening & Strategy Session

The City of Portland’s Division of Community Safety and Commissioner JoAnn Hardesty’s Office are holding a Community Safety Listening & Strategy Session at Matt Dishman Community Center on Wednesday, March 30th from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm. ([email protected]) or Andre Miller ([email protected]) for more information.  The Eliot neighborhood, a vibrant area with a rich history, has suffered from the steep increase in gun violence in Portland over the last two years. Come share how you have been impacted by safety…

Westminster Ally Conversation Toolkit Workshop

A coalition of faith congregations is bringing David Campt and The Dialogue Company to Portland on April 21-23. The purpose of the workshops is to encourage and inspire people to have constructive conversations about race and to give the tools to do so.

Neighborhood Planting Project

Neighborhood volunteers will be gathering at the corner of NE Knott and NE Rodney Ave between 10am-2pm on Saturday, March 19. We’ll be digging holes and planting shrubbery within the parking strips on Rodney and Knott, surrounding the substation block. Depending on chip drop timing, we may even be spreading mulch. We’re asking everyone to please bring your own gardening gloves and a shovel or trowel if you’ve got them. We’ll provide coffee and donuts, but do bring water to stay hydrated! It will likely be rainy (and thus muddy), so please dress appropriately.

Tuesday Bible Study: Genesis 1-11

Tuesday Bible Study is beginning again!Join us for Tuesday evening bible study. We will meet on Zoom at 7pm for an hour and fifteen minutes of reflection and conversation on scripture. We will be focusing on the the first eleven chapters of Genesis. We will be focusing on the the first eleven chapters of Genesis, so take some time to read these chapters!

Ash Wednesday Services & Day of Prayer

The Parish Hall and Sanctuary will be open on March 2nd from 9:30-6:30pm for prayer (and hot tea!). A Service of Ashes will be held at 9:30am and 5:30pm. Rev’d Maria McDowell will be available for conversation and the sacrament of reconciliation throughout the day