While Easter, the resurrection, is celebrated every Sunday, Holy Week is like one great Sunday. It begins with a triumphal (perhaps sarcastically so) entrance into Jerusalem, and continues through the Great Three Days—the Triduum. The week forms one long, ancient, liturgy that begins with celebration, moves into compassion and forgiveness, walks us through our fear-filled and violent rejection of God, and ends in the ultimate grace of God’s persistent love for all creation. This week is a time of repentance, of turning away from what we fear, and turning towards all that gives us life, hope, love, and joy. It is a time of turning away from all that prevents us from living as God has created us, in God’s vibrant, hopeful, loving, and joyful image.
Palm & Passion Sunday Apr 10, 10am
We will celebrate a procession of Palms and read the Passion Gospel from Luke together as we begin our celebration of this most holy of weeks together.
Maundy Thursday Agape Meal & Footwashing Apr 14, 6pm
We will gather to share a vegan agape meal and then wash one another’s feet.
Good Friday Apr 15, 7pm
We will celebrate the service of crucifixion, read the Passion Gospel from Luke, and venerate the Cross.
Easter Vigil Apr 16, 8:30pm (Sunset)
We will celebrate with stories of God’s liberation of God’s people and share in the first Eucharist of the Resurrection.
Easter Day Apr 17, 10am
We will conclude our Holy Week together with a celebratory Easter Sunday Eucharist.